Sushi is a Japanese food consisting of rice formed with side dishes in the form of seafood, meat, raw or cooked vegetables. rice Sushi has a soft sour taste because it is seasoned with a mixture of rice vinegar, salt and sugar.

Sushi is a Japanese food consisting of rice formed with side dishes in the form of seafood, meat, raw or cooked vegetables. rice Sushi has a soft sour taste because it is seasoned with a mixture of rice vinegar, salt and sugar.
My Japanese Kitchen One other typical Japanese food that is almost similar to sushi, is called sashimi. The difference between sashimi and sushi lies in the rice. Sashimi is a pure raw food that doesn't need any additives, just enough soy sauce or wasabi.
Learn how to plan your next Sushi Sauce Or Wasabi Japan at home! A DYI guide for Japanese Sushi lovers!